Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Perfect 10!

Happy 10 Months Kaelyn! It seems like yesterday your daddy and I were holding you for the very first time! Your personality is really starting to shine and we love the little person you are becoming! You are so independent (always wanting to be let down when we try to hold you), and you are starting to find your voice and are quite the "social butterfly" (boy, are we ever in trouble). You make us laugh each day, and we love how you like to explore your surroundings (even if it means chasing you down to keep you from being injured). We think it's funny that you don't like the grass (not sure where you get this from since mommy and daddy love the outdoors), and find it amusing that you are becoming a picky eater. You have your Daddy wrapped around your little finger, but at times you are still a mommy's girl. We love you so very much and are so proud of you!

10 Month Stats

Length: 28 inches

Weight: 20 lbs. 4 oz.

Kaelyn and I started "Mommy and Me" swimming lessons on Tuesday and are having a blast! They teach you to ask your child if they want to get in the pool before doing so, and when I asked Kaelyn, she started kicking her legs, waving her arms, and smiling! I'm not really sure if she completely understood me, but I took it as a resounding YES! In our class, we are learning how to blow bubbles, swim to the wall for safety, float on our back, submerge our heads under water, and how to kick, kick, kick. I am so excited that we found the Cusack Swim school and that it's at the teacher's house in a more intimate setting. There are 5 other kids and mommies in our class. We will continue our lessons each Tuesday and Thursday during the month of May which should help Kaelyn be ready for the pool and lake by summertime!

"I'm ready to go swimming, Mommy!"

"Ahh...This sun is bright. I need my sunshades!"

"Got my sunscreen lotion too."

"Bama, are you out there?"

Kaelyn's New Favorite Spot in the House

Trying pancakes for the first time

10 Month old Pics

"I found mommy's tupperware cabinet!"

1 comment:

Liz*** said...

I love the last pic with all the tupperware around her on the floor. Reminds me what I am in for in just a few short months!
All of the pics are so cute. She is getting to be such a big girl!