Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Will he be a March or April baby?

On Friday, Robbie and I went for our last sonogram with Rylan! It's amazing to think that the next time we will see his sweet little face will be in person! He is currently 5 lbs. 12 oz. and is definitely running out of room in my belly. Our induction has been set for Monday, April 11th, but after the doctor visit, we aren't sure if we'll make it to that date. I've already started progressing and my doctor thinks there is a good chance he'll be early! Now, it's time to guess if he'll make his debut in March or April? I actually packed a bag today (I was trying not to yet because I didn't want jinx myself) and worked on many other projects around the house. All the "nesting" has exhausted me though!

I've heard all the second child stories about not keeping up as well with pictures, etc. and I'm determined to defy the odds, but I have to admit that Rylan's room isn't 100% ready yet which doesn't help me get off to a good start. All the furniture is in place, but I still need to decide what else goes on the walls. We are so excited to meet our little guy and cannot wait! We ask for prayers for an easy delivery and for the health of Rylan! His next blog post will be when he arrives!


Corbitt Family said...

March 26(my birthday) would be nice or April 12(Adam's birthday)

dona said...

I don't know why that posted as Corbitt family.